Your Name: Meana
Your Age: 29
Your Hair Color: Dark Brown
Your Eye color: Blue
Surfing: Fan Fiction
Reading: The Golden Compass
Eating: Chips
Listening: Silence
Feeling: Tired
Heritage: Canadian
Description: Does anyone really want to know?
Zodiac: Taurus
Loves: Fan Fiction, Harry/Draco, NCIS, Kate/Tony, X-Men, Storm/Gambit, Aragorn/Boromir


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My Sites
All of my sites tend to be fansites dedicated to various shows, except for 'The Library'. My major site (being the largest and most frequently updated) is my fanfiction archive ...Mightier Than the Sword. As for my other sites, some get updated every couple of weeks, while others are only updated every few months. Check the Sites link to learn more.